Friday, 30 May 2014

My Art Work

This is my artwork there are some mountains,a lake ,an island and a sun 
we used The paint and pastel style

My Writing

My writing goal was to write sentences that have a variety of starter lenghths

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Some More Homework Challenges

The second three course meal .

The Entree
The Main
The Dessert

My Other Homework challenges

The first three course meal.

The Entree
The Main 

The Dessert

My Homework Challenges

At School the year 7&8's get home work challenges we have to atleast do three challenges a term. By the end of this term we have to have at least six signed off.The reason I am writing this is because it is a bonus challenge if we put the photos and an explanation of what we have done.

Selling Girl Guide Biscuits 

Doing The City To Surf